Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Grameenphone Buddy Tracker

At times when we call our friends & dear ones, it keeps ringing and no one picks up. Sometimes the tension really mounts up. So how will we know what our friends and family members are doing or where are they if we can’t reach them on phone?
Use “GP Buddy Tracker”! Yes, GP has introduced Buddy Tracker service so that we can track our friends, family members and near & dear ones anytime we want and the best part is the charge is only BDT 2/per 100 SMS (SD & VAT & SC applicable). From 101st SMS & onwards customers will be charged BDT 2.30 per SMS. To track your friend, just type LOCATE<space >Friend's number or Friend's name and send to 3020 and the return SMS will tell you the location of your friend!
But before that you need to register yourself with Buddy Tracker service. To start the service, type Start < space > Your name and send to 3020. Once you are registered send ADD request to your friend who needs to accept.
To add friend in your tracking list, type Add<space>friend’s number<space>friend’s name and send to 3020.
When you get add request from your friend, to accept type Y<Friend's mobile number >and send to 3020, to reject type N<auto generated code>and send to 3020.
By any chance if you want to deregister from Buddy Tracker, type Stop and send to 3020.
So start using Buddy Tracker today and keep your near and dear ones at your finger tips. Happy tracking!
BDT 2/per 100 SMS ((SD & VAT & SC applicable)). From 101st SMS & onwards customers will be charged BDT 2 per SMS (SD & VAT & Sc applicable).

How to register

Write START <space> your name send sms to 3020 Once you have successfully registered, you can do the followings:

How to add friends

write add <space> friend's mobile number <space> friends name send sms to 3020

How to accept friends request

write Y <space> friend's mobile number send sms to 3020

How to find friend's location

write locate <space> friend's mobile number or name send sms to 3020

How to find your own location

write locate <space> me or self mobile number send sms to 3020
ServiceAccessible To Registered UserAccessible To Un Registered usersKeywordExampleDescriptionShort Code
STARTYesYesSTART <Your Name>START MukitTo activate Buddy Tracker Services3020
ADDYesNoADD<space><Friend Number><space><Friend Name>ADD 017xxxxxxxx AbidTo Add friend
Y(Accept)YesYesY <space> friend's mobile numberY AAAAATo accept friend request
N(Reject)YesYesN <space> friend's mobile numberN AAAAATo Reject friend request
STOPYesNoSTOPSTOPTo Deactivate Buddy Tracker Services
LOCATEYesNoLOCATE <ME> or <Friend Number> or <Friend Name>LOCATE 017xxxxxxxxTo Locate friend or yourself
HIDEYesYesHIDE or HIDE <Friend Number> or <Friend Name>HIDE 017xxxxxxxxTo hide location from users
SHOWYesYesSHOW or SHOW<space><Friend Number> or <Friend Name>SHOW 017xxxxxxxTo show location from users
LISTYesNoLISTLISTTo see list of friends which I can track
LIST SHOWYesYesLIST<space><SHOW>LIST ShowTo see list of users who are tracking me
LIST HIDEYesYesLIST<space><HIDE>LIST HideTo see list of users from I kept myself hide
DELETEYesNoDELETE<space><Friend Number>or<Friend Name>DELETE AbidTo delete friend from the friend list
HELPYesNoHELPHELPTo get help from customer care.
VIEWYesNoVIEWVIEWTo know what are the services you subscribe.
INFOYesNoINFOINFOTo contact with customer care
INDEXYesYesINDEXINDEXTo get help of Buddy Tracker services.

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